Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the unlock of personal and professional potential. This partnership often expands sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.

-as defined by the International Coaching Federation

Before I became a coach in 2019 I never heard of the profession outside the context of sports and elite professionals. So, if you have questions, it really resonates. What is coaching, and how can it support me?

Let’s start with what we mean by ‘unlocking potential’. Your potential is the aggregate of your innate gifts, talents, wisdom, and capabilities that can lead to future outcomes. I often use this equation by Sir John Whitmore, Performance Coach: Performance = Potential - Interference. As we decrease interference, your performance increases with your potential. You start moving in the direction of your desired outcomes with more clarity and confidence.

As your coach, I partner with you by identifying where you are today, where you want to go, blocks (interference), and empower you to take steps forward. This happens through a toolkit of curious inquiry, mirroring, active listening, honesty, and a bit of challenging along the way.

My clients often share that they most appreciate having someone to speak freely with in an action-oriented, non-judgement relationship. Coaching can support motivation and accountability, though over time one learns to source this from within.

Coaching is always about learning and deepening your relationship to self. You will emerge from the other side differently; change is inevitable.

What do you want to do with your power?